Free First Month

Pet Vet Hotline

Talk to a veterinarian online in seconds! Unlimited 24/7 Vet access, add up to 6 pets all for $12.95/month.


How It Works

  • Step 1

    Help them get to know your pet

    Give them a little insight into what brings you here.

  • Step 2

    Help them get to know you

    Your information is private and will not be shared.

  • Step 3

    Start virtual visit

    Meet your veterinarian and begin the journey to your pet feeling better.

"As a veterinarian, it was impossible for me to be available 24/7 to my clients. So we created Pet Vet Hotline, and now have over 100 veterinarians on call to provide advice any time of the day or night"

-Dr. Scott - Founder, Pet Vet Hotline


Membership is just $12.95/mo. Cancel anytime. Members save an average of $160 when they can avoid a vet visit.